Story Descriptions
A Story of Loss
Explore the process of going blind. Little monsters represent the scariness of losing one’s vision. At our interactive story time, we will stick whimsical, toy monsters on the model’s periphery as we imagine they are slowly nibbling away our visual field. Through storytelling, we then rearrange the monsters in patterns representing other kinds of vision loss as we share our own experiences.
A Story of Diagnosis
Explore the process of going blind. At our interactive story time, we will discuss the never-ending set of circumstances that I faced on the day I got the diagnosis of going blind. Many people report feeling like they have turned to stone. It is hard to take it all in when we feel like that. The audience will pass around a rock cairn representing a person, and use handmade speech bubbles to fill a basket, representing the overwhelming thoughts and feelings that accompany a diagnosis.
A Story of fear
Explore the process of going blind. At our interactive story time, we will discuss fear. Going blind is scary. Crossing a street can sometimes inflate my fears. It has become a recurring dream for me. Join me in play as we re-enact the wild and bizarre scenarios that take my power away leaving me in fear, using colorful toy tires and ladybug finger puppets. We will discuss coping skills for anxiety.
A Story of Isolation
Explore the process of going blind. At our interactive story time, we will discuss how vision loss makes it hard to go places. We will play with toy cars and discuss how difficult it is to not be able to drive. Next, a big whimsical, handmade goldfish too big for its bowl, will be passed around. We will jam it headfirst into its bowl. The fins stick out the top. The fish is stuck. We can easily feel stuck ourselves. It’s hard!
A Story of Adapting
Explore the process of going blind. At our interactive story time, we will explore a model of a hallway. As doorways are touched, they spin unexpectedly. Blindness can be disorienting as we travel from room to room. We will each play with a pair of baby shoes to carefully plan our stepping patterns. The spinnin’ doors evoke the seriousness of learning how to adapt our walking skills to our vision loss.
A Story of Hope
Explore the process of going blind. At our interactive story time, I will share my story of living with tunnel vision and my hopes for the future as I planned and prepared in anticipation of getting a guide dog. I am proud to say that I now have my own guide dog. He is my light at the end of the tunnel. Ah, independence regained! This presentation is focused on a highly textured piece of textile artwork that participants can use both sight and touch to experience.
A Story of Healing
Explore the process of going blind. Spirals have been found in art from cultures around the world. Often, they are considered a path of healing. At our interactive story time, we will discuss our own paths of healing as we touch and feel many clay shapes, each of which is an object that has a spiral incorporated into its stylized design. Many everyday objects and experiences can have meaning and help us on our own paths. This is a good exercise in mindfulness.
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